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    Capital Market Services

    Together we’ll find the right investors to support your growth and objectives

    We have a successful track record of executing a range of capital raising transactions including IPOs on main boards of Stock Exchanges, IPOs SME platforms, Transaction Advisory for M&A, open offers for compliance of takeover regulations, delisting of shares, buyback of shares, OFS, advisory services for PIPE investments, Listing of privately placed NCDs etc.

    We assist companies in sourcing the right equity capital resources from the markets. Our team of experts provides guidance and advice in arriving at an optimal value for the transaction,complying with legal requirements, and obtaining relevant regulatory approvals,positioning our clients effectively in the market and marketing and representing them before investors.

    Our process-flow


    Transaction Planning


    Thorough due diligence


    Obtaining approvals from authorities


    Execution in a planned & regulatorycompliant

    Our capital market service offerings can be broadly
    categorized under the following heads


    Initial Public Offer

    Acting as Book Running Lead Managers for companies and enable companies to raise capital from primary markets and list on the securities markets (main board and SME).


    Rights Issue

    Providing advice and assist listed companies to bring out rights issues and help them raise resources from their existing investors/shareholders in the capital markets.


    Open Offer and

    With our robust understanding of the takeover law in India, we have assisted several companies in the process of takeover and acted as managers to open offers in respect of substantial acquisition of shares of listed companies.


    Delisting of Securities
    and Buyback

    We act as a lead manager to companies to enable them to achieve the objective of buyback of equity capital as well as assist in delisting from stock exchanges as per SEBI regulations. We also provide ancillary broking support through our nationwide network of 900+ investment centers across India.


    Transaction Advisory
    for M & A

    We have the expertise to structure, provide advisory services for M&A and oversee the entire chain of events especially in the context of transactions involving listed entities.


    Advisory Services

    We provide advisory services for listed companies raising capital through preferential allotment of equity shares/convertible securities/warrants in
    compliance with SEBI Regulations.


    Public Offer

    Act as Book Running Lead Managers for listed companies and enable them to raise equity capital from the capital markets while taking care of complete all regulatory guidelines.

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